1. ROAD SIGNS - Between Oct 17 - 21. Set up 20 or more road signs around the area including Silverdale, Camp Union and surrounding area at high traffic spots. Keep track where signs are. Collect signs after show Sunday or Monday and return them to SCC. NEED 2 people for posting and 2 people for collecting.


2. HOLIDAY DECORATIONS - Decorate SCEC. Must done either on Oct 31st or Nov 1st (Nov 1st is also set up day). We need holiday décor donations. Decorations are available at the SCEC, but if anyone has any Holiday decor to donate, we will glady take anything that is useable. NEED 2 Volunteers for decorating.


3. MARK VENDOR BOOTH AREAS - Mark the vendor’s 10x10 area with blue tape and put vendor’s name and number in their spot (according to layout map). Must be done on Oct 31st or prior to setup hours (10am) on Nov 1st.


4. TABLES AND CHAIRS SET-UP Get tables and chairs out of the storage room and set up (according to layout map) on Nov 1st at 9am. Also return tables and chairs to storeroom after the show, Sunday Nov 3rd at 3pm. Need 2 strong people for both days


5. ASSIST VENDORS DURING SETUP - OUTSIDE, when vendors arrive, show them what door is best to unload according to where their space is. INSIDE, show the vendors to their space according to the layout map.

Friday, Nov 1st, from 10:00am to 4:00pm 1st shift 10am -12pm, 2nd shift 12pm-2pm, 3rd shift 2pm - 4pm. Might not need the 3rd shift. Need 6 Volunteers (2 for each shift)


6. FILL UP COFFEE, JUICE, WATER, SNACKS, CHECK RESTROOMS - Check and keep filled up throughout the day. Keep napkins, spoons, stir sticks, creamer, filled up. Fill restrooms with T-paper, garbage bags, soap towels etc. Keep areas clean.

Saturday and Sunday, from 10:00am 12:00pm and from 12:00pm - 2:00pm? NEED 1 person per shift (4)


7. PARKING - Set up cones, mark handicap parking, point vendors and customers to their parking area. Wear bright clothes or a safety vest. Need 1-2 people per shift.

  • Sat, Nov 2nd, 10:00am - 12:00pm

  • Sat, Nov 2nd, 12:00pm - 2:00pm

  • Sun, Nov 3rd, 10:00am - 12:00pm

  • Sun, Nov 3rd, 12:00pm - 2:00pm


8.ROAMER & BOOTH SITTER - Roamer greets people, checks to make sure everyone is good, ask vendors if they need a break and if they do, you will watch over their area until their return.

Sat, Nov 2nd, 10:00am to 12pm and 12:00pm to 3:00pm Sun, Nov 3rd, 10:00am to 12pm and 12:00pm to 2:00pm


9. GREETING TABLE - Need several volunteers to sit at the greeting table (take shifts). We will have Member sign up forms, “Brick Sales” and other information about the SCEC. There will be a Toy donation box for the toy giveaway at Camp Union Saloon.

Saturday, Nov 2nd, from 10:00am to 4:00pm & Sunday, November 3rd, from 10:00am to 3:00pm (At end of day all monies, forms, supplies, etc must be organized and placed in folder to give to Yvonne) Need 2 people to sit together at a time.